Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Do Realtors Need Business Skills?

In addition to the skills required to help clients buy and sell a home, the agent needs to know about marketing, finance, and planning. We make it easy by providing a no-cost access to our online Business Learning Center.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Life Long Learning?

Mark Twain said that "Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection." And, no less a man than Winston Churchill told us that "to improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." Use these quotes at your next business meeting and see if you get a reaction!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Whole Plant Hemp Samples

Unlike other hemp products that utilize CBD isolates, NUTRAHG is made up of whole-plant hemp in order to harness the power of the “Entourage Effect”— the combination and synergy of more than 500 compounds that make hemp one of Earth’s most powerful and versatile plants. It’s scientifically formulated to help you manage stress, reduce anxiousness, increase focus and more!*

Monday, June 11, 2018

Building your client at the time.

The old adage tells us that to feed a man for a day, give him a fish...but, to feed him for a lifetime, teach him to fish. Learning how to run and operate a business is like that. There are a few "quick fixes" out there. Some even work. The best fix is continual learning. This deepens the understanding and builds the confidence to run a business.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

List Build For Success

Did you know that in order to grow your business, you need to ‘up’ the know/like/trust factor with your prospects? If you want people to stay on your email list and ultimately become customers, you need to build and nurture relationships with them. When people join your email list, they’re essentially telling you, “I want to know more.” While they may not be ready to buy at that exact moment, they are giving you an opportunity to convince them to stick around. This means you absolutely must take time to nurture your email list and make certain that your target audience stays engaged. And that they don’t forget you!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Attracting Your Ideal Customer

Unfortunately, some people put in the effort to identify their ideal customer and fail to do anything with the information. If your goal is to grow your business and your email list, keep your target audience at the front of your mind. Your ideal customer should influence almost every business decision you make.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Small Business Improvement Using LinkedIn – Grow Your Business Using LinkedIn Content Management

See the recent post about using Groups as your secret Linkedin Strategy! one?

(AUDIO) A mentor is someone who currently is where you want to be. The relationship you have with a mentor can be an official one, or it can be informal such as following in the footsteps of someone you admire. Mentors have experience and have gone through the growing pains towards success. They will know what kinds of training you may need or skills to develop. More importantly, mentors can give you needed feedback on what you are doing right and wrong during your development. This kind of advice is invaluable. You don’t want a mentor who will hold back. Make sure you give them full permission to be completely honest with you. Most worthwhile mentors will have no problems doing this for you. It may be a hard pill to swallow, but you will be better off than having mentors who sugarcoat your progress. That won’t help you in any way. The mentors you choose should have the experience or skills you desire to learn. Be sure to ask lots of questions about what they expect from you.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Americas Web Radio Most Eclectic mix of conservative shows

Their are a limited number of opportunities to Host or Sponsor a Internet Radio Program.

Realtors...are single property websites out dated?

Single property websites are a topic of hot debate among many real estate agents. Some may call them old-school while others will boast about how many showings just one single property website has booked in the past. And while some may say that these websites simply aren’t worth the time that is so valuable to real estate agents, others will tell you that their site effectively ran itself, with very little work on the part of the agent. In the end all arguments, both for an against, the single property website, might ring true. Like any other marketing technique, it’s all about how it’s done, how it’s used and particularly, as is the case of any online advertising, how it looks. So should you be setting up single property websites? Probably. But you have to know how to do it the right way to attract those buyers in order to ensure that is in fact, worth it.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

CBD...what is it and how will it change your life?

A first of its kind, surprisingly delicious, all-natural fusion of full omega whole plant hemp with chlorophyll rich super greens. AN ENERGIZING, NUTRIENT DENSE GREEN DRINK TO SOOTHE, CALM AND FOCUS YOUR BODY AND MIND. ASSISTS IN MANAGING STRESS* MAY DECREASE ANXIOUSNESS* HELPS MANAGE LINGERING PAIN* HELPS PROMOTE SLEEP* INCREASES FOCUS* PRODUCES A SENSE OF WELL-BEING* Temperature controlled process to preserve the rich source of natural enzymes, phyto-nutrients and vitamins that are native to the plants. A natural source of trace minerals that invigorate the body by turning on key processes and functions. Rich in natural Chlorophyll to detox and nutritionally build your body. Naturally flavored with Stevia. Available in the USA only.

What is Mobile App Marketing?

Mobile app marketing really isn’t any different than other forms of marketing. The only difference really is that it’s a newer form of marketing and as such, it’s changing more than any form of marketing out there. Mobile app marketing might not be something that many business owners are familiar with, or have given much thought to. But in today’s day and age, it’s essential that every business owner consider it. Apps don’t have to be an intimidating venture that only the big conglomerations of the world embark on. Every business today can have an app, and every business should! It’s the only way to keep up with customers in today’s busy mobile world.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Press Releases Can Bring More Traffic to Your Website

One of the little-known benefits about press releases is that they can help businesses get more traffic to their website. And while many business owners will embark in press release marketing for many different reasons, they may be surprised to find that traffic to their website also gets a boost. This is because in every press release, one or two links to a company’s blog or website can be included. And if the press release is very interesting, and the business knows how to establish themselves as an authority and provide useful, helpful content within the press release, customers will want to learn more. When their interest is piqued, they could very well then click on the link to learn more about the company, or the product or service they offer.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Building your Email List

“The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.” - Christopher Westra You might be thinking that the best way to get things done is to multitask and work on many things at the same time. But by juggling too many tasks, you’re well on your way to feeling overwhelmed and eventually burning out. This doesn’t do your business any good at all. If you want an email list full of subscribers, you need to focus on one thing: building your email list. When you invest your energy into your email list, you’re able to convert subscribers into paying customers and build relationships with customers you may not have met any other way. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Before you spend your time on trendy marketing tactics, make growing your email subscriber list your top priority. Whether you’re launching a new business or looking to grow your current one, a high-quality, relevant email list will help you achieve your goals.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Just A Common Soldier

Just A Common Soldier, also known as A Soldier Died Today, is one of the most popular poems on the Internet. Written and published in 1987 by Canadian vetera...

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Need a Marketing Plan?

Most of the owners I talk to have not really done a written plan. Might be a good idea to develop one and put it on paper. My new book has a chapter on doing that and might encourage you to invest the time necessary.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Do you ACT, Re-act, or Take no Action?

Consistently taking action is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to start making a seriously positive change in your life and business. Get your BIZ ACTION GUIDE today!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Mainstreet Biz: Making It Work: Dan Crider: 9781986392372: Books

Mainstreet Biz: Making It Work [Dan Crider] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. There are 3 reasons you will want to read this book. #1. You got a degree in business which taught you nothing about how to succeed running your own local business. #2. You are thinking of starting a business but you don't know where to start or how to create a viable business plan. #3. You have been operating your own business for a couple of years and want to take the next step but don't know how to do that. If you fit into one of these categories then read MainStreet Biz. Over 200 pages of solid business coaching on key topics including Market Plan Creation

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Free to your email address

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about online directories for businesses. And it seems that more and more directories are popping up every single day. So what are they? And why are they so important? All businesses should be listed in at least a few online directories; there’s a potential for a huge loss in revenue if they’re not. And while there are hundreds of them out there, there’s no need to be listed in every one and in fact, it’s better not to be. One listing appearing across too many directories can get that website marked as spam by Google and the other search engines. But businesses should be listed in about ten directories in order to ensure that they’re not losing customers and in the end, sales.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Have you got the Entrepreneur's Mentality?

In my post yesterday I mentioned that entrepreneurship is as much a state of mind as anything else, so before we go any further I want you to take this quick quiz: Question 1 I prefer to: a) Make my own decisions (and live with the consequences). b) Have someone else make the decisions (and take the blame when things go wrong). Question 2 Do you like to play it safe? a) No, I'm happy to take a risk when the odds are in my favour. b) Yes, I like safety and security. Question 3 Are you curious by nature? a) Yes, I'm always looking for new ideas or to see how things work etc. b) No, I prefer to mind my own business and keep myself to myself. Question 4 Do you give up easily? a) No, never. b) Yes – if it's too much hassle, I can't be bothered. Question 5 How's your glass? a) Half full b) Half empty Question 6 How do you view your occupation? a) It's not a job, it's a vocation. b) It pays the bills. How did you do? If you've

Is Social Media Dead for the Entrepreneur?

So, you want to be an entrepreneur? Many people desire to go into business for themselves but few individuals actually do. Why is this? Because it is risky for one thing, it’s a hard, long slog, most of it uphill and it’s going to cut into your free time as well; a lot of your free time. But the rewards for being an entrepreneur are pretty incredible. If you’re successful, you have the ability to earn an unlimited amount of money. Even if you’re not all that successful financially, you’re still working for yourself, paying the bills and living the American dream.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Facebook Strategy for Local Business

Facebook is an attractive platform for businesses, too, because it offers companies, organizations and businesses of all types to reach an audience of almost 2 billion people in any given month, which is not only important for revenue, but also for building brand awareness.

Mobile Apps for Local Business

Mobile app marketing might not be something that many business owners are familiar with, or have given much thought to. But in today’s day and age, it’s essential that every business owner consider it. Apps don’t have to be an intimidating venture that only the big conglomerations of the world embark on. Every business today can have an app, and every business should! It’s the only way to keep up with customers in today’s busy mobile world.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Marketing Books

Short, focused and actionable...these books will help your local biz be better and more profitable.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Wordpress for Your Website?

WordPress is an Open Source Project. Meaning there is a large, thriving community of people working on it's continued development. As with all open source projects, the full-featured, powerful software is completely free. Along with the core tools, there are thousands of plugins, both free and premium, that greatly extend the functionality of WordPress, so you can accomplish even more with your website. The powerful templating system means there are thousands of quality templates (Called "Themes”), both free and premium, that you can use to change the design of your website. You can also develop custom themes, plugins, content types, and much more. With the self-hosted option, you can create a wide range of extremely functional websites, for just about any industry or need.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Where Did You Put Your "WHY"?

In simple terms, your “why” or purpose is the reason why you get up in the morning. And no, it isn’t that you get up because you have to go to your job so you can pay your mortgage. It goes deeper than that. Your reason for getting up in the morning may be because you’re helping 6 year olds to read, write, and add numbers. Or maybe it’s so you can put food on the table for your family and have a flexible enough schedule so you can help out at your favorite charity, be home with the kids after school, and teach them how to grow a vegetable garden. Another way to look at it is that your purpose, passion, and why is what feeds your soul.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Cyber Security

Let me present a few statistics to you about online security... • There were over one million web attacks against individual people every single day in just 2015. • In 2015, there were 38 percent more security incidents detected than in 2014. • More than half of the funds stolen through cyber crime will NEVER be recovered. • As much as 70 percent of cyberattacks use a combination of phishing and hacking techniques. • Over 169 million personal records were exposed in 2015, stemming from 781 publicized breaches. • At this point, nearly 99% of computers are vulnerable to cyber attacks. The reality of all of this is that anybody, EVEN YOU is at risk of being the victim of a cyber attack at any moment on any given day. When it comes to cracking passwords, most “hackers” use a bot or software that can quickly cycle through tons of combinations and run them against your account. Furthermore, just think of all of the database leaks that happen each year or so. Just to name one inst

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Getting Magnificent Ideas

Where do ideas come from? The answer is as simple as it is elegant. Ideas come from experiences. What you do, see, read, hear, taste and touch all form the raw materials out of which great, and not so great, ideas are born. What this means is that ideas are not born in a vacuum. No one came up with a great idea after spending all their time surrounded by the same four walls. Ideas are like seeds. Seeds need water and light and warmth to germinate, grow and bear fruit. Ideas also need water, in the form of experience, and light, in the form of events, and warmth, in the form of encounters, in order to germinate, grow and bear their own special fruit. In other words, if you want to come up with great, game changing ideas, you need to get out and experience life.

Email Marketing

Why You Need Email Marketing The need for email marketing is one of those things you just can’t argue with because the numbers are just too clear and astounding to ignore. The average return on investment (ROI) for email marketing these days is $38 for every $1 spent.87% of online marketers are using video content. 80% of business professionals report growth in customer acquisition and retention resulting from email marketing. Not even social media comes close. Leads are twice as likely to opt-in to your email list than they are to engage with your business on Facebook. And if you thought social media and search engines were the key to growing your business, think again. Email conversion rates are higher than both search and social combined!